How Do Seniors Know If They Have Cataracts and What Happens After Cataract Surgery?

Home health care can help seniors with needed support after cataract surgery.
According to the American Academy of Opthalmology, more than 20.5 million Americans older than 40 have cataracts. A smaller number of people have surgery each year to correct those cataracts. This type of eye condition develops when the lens of the eye develops cloudiness, which causes blurry vision and other symptoms. If seniors do opt for cataract surgery, some may need help from home health care providers afterward to recover fully.
Signs of Cataracts
The most common sign of cataracts is blurry or cloudy vision. That’s because the lens of the eye isn’t as clear as it was in the past, almost like there’s a film covering the lens.
Some seniors with cataracts become more sensitive to light, especially bright lights or the glare off windows or mirrors. Double vision, problems distinguishing colors, and trouble with night vision are also common with cataracts.
How Cataracts Get Diagnosed
Most cataracts are diagnosed during a normal eye exam. The eye doctor can look at the lens of the eye and see where there might be cloudiness that indicates a cataract. There are other tests that help to diagnose cataracts, too, like visual acuity tests.
Once diagnosed, seniors may opt to wait for cataract surgery if the condition is not impairing vision too much. Over time, however, surgery is a solid answer to regaining some vision.
Preparing for Surgery
After seniors are diagnosed with a cataract, their eye doctor may recommend surgery. There are a variety of different lenses available after surgery and one or more might be a better solution depending on individual needs.
The doctor performing the surgery then does a health assessment and puts together a plan for post-surgical care. That includes recommendations for follow-up plans and details of what patients might specifically experience. This is a good time to line up additional help from home health care services.
What to Expect During Cataract Surgery
Cataract surgery often is a very simple surgery that doesn’t take very long. Patients are usually awake and the surgery is performed with local anesthesia rather than general anesthesia. Some patients may need general anesthesia, however. During surgery, the eye surgeon removes the cloudy lens and replaces it with an artificial lens.
For most people, this is an outpatient surgery and patients go home the same day.
Post-surgery Care & Home Health Care
Post-surgical needs vary greatly depending on individual health conditions and concerns. Most patients need to use medicated eye drops to prevent infection and help reduce inflammation. Often, if seniors need cataract surgery in both eyes, they stagger the surgeries so that they are only healing one eye at a time. In rare cases, though, some people may get both surgeries at once.
Home health care providers can provide invaluable assistance in caring for the eyes, helping seniors with their needs, and ensuring that they recover well.
Adjusting to New Vision
It can take time to adjust to improved vision after cataract surgery. Over a period of months, seniors may notice even more improvements in vision clarity. Some seniors no longer need any type of vision aids, but others may still need glasses for reading or other reasons.
Support with Daily Activities
As seniors recover, they may need additional help with daily activities. Home health care providers can step in and take care of light housekeeping duties, transportation to follow-up appointments, and preparing healthy meals. This allows seniors to rest and focus on their recovery.
Monitoring for Complications
Whereas senior care providers provide hands-on daily assistance, home health care providers can stop by and focus on health-related care. They can assist with eye drops, watch for complications, and make sure eye doctors are aware of anything that might be going on. This can help seniors experience the best possible recovery after cataract surgery.
Healing well after any surgery is easier with the right help. Home health care services can be there to support aging adults as they cope with surgery and its aftermath.
If you or an aging loved one is considering Home Health Care in Woodbridge, VA, please contact the caring staff at Thrive Health Care Services today. (703) 992-0484